"Americans Will Be Poor Overnight!" China & Brazil Ditch US Dollar
It's Moving Fast! Other Countries Joining BRICS & End Of Petrodollar
This video features a rockstar group of commentators including Charlie Kirk. They lay out the reasons for the coming demise of the US Dollar.
Check out what Charlie Kirk has to say about dumb USA moves around Ukraine, Russia, and currencies.

“Americans Will Be Poor Overnight!” – Reaction To China & Brazil Agreement To Ditch US Dollar
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In this short clip, Patrick Bet-David, Charlie Kirk, Tom Ellsworth and Adam Sosnick react to China & Brazil agreement to ditch US dollar. FaceTime or Ask Patrick any questions on https://minnect.com/ Watch the full podcast here: https://youtube.com/live/jRpq2Zwecuo Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/2aPEwD4 To reach the Valuetainment team, you can email: info@valuetainment.com
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“Americans Will Be Poor Overnight!” China & Brazil Ditch US Dollar
China and Brazil strike deal to Dish the
US dollar this is a Zero Hedge story and
you know they have reached a deal to
trade in their own currencies bypassing
the US dollar this deal will allow the
two countries to conduct their massive
trade which amounts to 150 billion per
year and financial transactions directly
exchanging one for riosis riosis uh vice
versa this deal is part of beijing’s
latest move against the US dollar
extending its bilateral U.S dollar
attempting currency Arrangement Beyond
countries such as Russia Pakistan Saudi
Arabia to now include Latin American
exporting Powerhouse while we are still
strong long away from the one replacing
US dollar as a global Reserve currency
the current U.S ruling regime is
destroying the world’s faith and
not only in the dollar but in what was
once a superpower in and is increasingly
a third world Banana Republic Tom
so I I think what most people need to
understand and this is where I think
Americans need to step back off
headlines and just learn something very
very quickly and that is 1944 there was
something called Brenton Woods and
that’s where the U.S dollar was tied to
gold in other words the value of the US
dollar was connected to the value of
gold and between Fort Knox and other
areas we had gold reserves so the U.S
currency on a global scale was deemed as
being valuable tied to gold and stable
and in 1944 everyone came to this
agreement to say hey let’s Peg the value
of our currency to the dollar because
the dollar is pegged to gold and it
brought International global stability
it also created the dollar as the
world’s Reserve currency well what does
that mean that means if you have extra
reserves and you bought them in dollars
they were stable because they were tied
to the gold now Nixon we can talk about
what you just referenced a minute ago
was Nixon taking us off the gold
standard 72-73 which had nothing to do
with the Vietnam War and political
instability in the economy at that time
it was deeper I’m with you it was deeper
reasons that was the front excuse
the right now you know what the average
is right now on world reserves 62
percent of countries reserves are held
in U.S dollars 62 right now and so even
though we went off the gold standard
were the reserve currency so people see
the United States currency as very
stable that’s what’s important and what
we’re seeing here is the one everybody
here is the one and well that’s a unit
of measure the actual currency in China
is called the raminbi that’s their
dollar dollar equals remind me one is
like a unit
and so what they want is they want to
slowly remember trying to place a long
game they want to slowly replace the
dollar as the world’s Reserve currency
because they succeed huh well they
succeed well they’re taking one step at
a time and they’re starting with African
nations that they put into by the way
you can also go study mercantilism where
you come in and you take all the
resources and then you sell them back
things that are made out of the
resources so China is in an active state
right now of assisting many small
Regional Latin American and African
nations on deals that are intentionally
going to go bad and then leave them with
the collateralization of the country
they’ve just
pillaged and so long term if somebody
doesn’t stand up long-term sure China
could be successful because they’re
playing this not
the way the West plays it the West has
played the game in terms of history in
terms of regimes a regime of leadership
China is playing this long term in terms
of of decades dynasties what do you
think oh sorry
yeah I don’t mean interrupt uh I agree I
think the dollar it’s gonna it’s gonna
hit a flat line because Germany South
Korea and Japan are not going to drop
the dollars of world Reserve currency
and especially Germany and Japan uh they
pre they produce a lot of value and a
lot of wealth and so the Euro
backstopping the world Reserve current
meaning the dollar being the backstop of
the euro is actually in our benefit but
India is going to be the big question
right if India Falls that’s a growing
Market Brazil is a totally corrupt
country they’re a broken country the
Bulls on Brazil have been wrong the last
20 years it’s like a trillion dollar GDP
you could fact check me on it they’re
mainly a natural resource Hub and they
have a real hard time with their own
homegrown industry and there was like
1.6 trillion I was about right uh it’s
actually flatlined and gone down in
recent years so the Bulls on Brazil have
been wrong and with Lula now becoming
president they’re going to become a
wholly owned colony of the Chinese
Communist Party basically that’s what
catastrophic for the nation it’s
terrible yeah the future of Brazil is
put in permanent Jeopardy because of
bolsonaro not be you know staying as
president prime minister and everybody
thought brick through the 90s was just
an acronym for emerging Nations you know
Brazil Russia India China it wasn’t it
was a coalition over there that wanted
to undermine U.S Authority on the global
trade basis so we need a new president
because I don’t think Joe Biden seems
awfully worried that the dollar is no
longer becoming the world Reserve
currency you couldn’t say that it wasn’t
a good idea for us to become the world
Reserve currency however it’s a fact
that if we stop being the world Reserve
currency every single person in America
gets significantly poor overnight the
fact that people have to turn their
goods and services into dollars is kind
of a stimulus boost just baked into our
economy we’re we’re kind of a we’re a
place of Last Resort a refuge if you
will it’s a built-in advantage that we
don’t even recognize or realize till we
travel the world but I think we have
more staying power than people realize
there’s a lot of entrepreneurs we create
a lot of value in this country as some
very valuable companies despite the fact
that we’re service based we still have a
lot of Natural Resources we have a
manufacturing Beast that can still be
Unleashed if necessary so we have a lot
of advantages with that being said
though this current Administration seems
unbothered by any of this and I mean
what we need is a new regime you’re
right we do think in time in terms of
regime hopefully it’s president Trump
and we go directly after the CCP but a
lot of this is centered on a border
dispute on eastern Ukraine all of this
is it if that was not happening the way
it was happening a lot of these chips
would not be falling into place in my
opinion that is the beginning Domino
because then Russia said okay screw you
we’re going to go grow closer to China
you know we’re no longer for the first
time ever Russia has just dropped
basically all their dollars out of the
central bank because we made them when
we put sanctions on them by the way what
is that what does that say for World
Reserve currency status is why our
leaders are so stupid we basically
confiscated the dollars out of the
Russian Central Bank that’s not exactly
safe and secure basically countries are
saying wait a second you can just
confiscate our dollars like we went
after them and just grabbed the dollars
and said Yep they’re no longer valid you
know converted into ruples and Russia
said okay well that’s an act of War
which it is
and so I think a lot of this is centered
on this Eastern you know border dispute
we could talk about that if you’d like I
think it’s incred incredibly important I
don’t think people have really thought
through the ramifications
of our involvement in Ukraine and then
when G comes over and says hey I have a
plan B for you in this currency thing
tell you what let’s take something
really valuable I’ve got it energy yeah
I need energy and energy has a hard unit
of value coming out of the ground just
like gold does and so what XI did is he
got value in the form of resources for
the raminbi in a in a deal that looks
like a trade deal but it’s a currency
deal with Russia right yeah it’s it’s
bad all across the board but make no
mistake with the proper president the
right President we can crack that
Alliance in nine months these countries
China has a lot of domestic what would
Trump do so okay you’re saying that so
Trump gets a let’s just say it’s 2024.
he wins what’s he doing well first he
could go back to what we already had
which is you have a piece immediately
brokered in eastern Ukraine immediately
you go in there and you end the stupid
War you end this proxy war you you then
try to create intentional separation
between Russia and China and keep them
in their own Corners you go to the
Saudis and you say knock it off you’re
you’re going to keep on using the dollar
for the Petro dollar you save OPEC which
will increase the dollar strength of the
world Reserve currency and then you have
to go after the CCP in like a 15 Point
targeted plan you pull their visas from
being able to go to Europe you put
targeted sanctions on them there’s
there’s again I’m not exactly saying
anything that hasn’t been thought
through through really serious Scholars
but we have to have a serious plan to
punish the CCP for what they did with
the virus covering it up and lying about
it and then also their hyper aggressive
action with Belton Road cyber warfare
infiltrating the American economy some
of that comes with a price and a cost
but then more than anything else Trump
if he becomes president again will be
energy independent again there’ll be
economic confidence restored I think
that we’ll see inflation put under
control because we’ll actually have a
rebirth of Market stability right now
people are confused they’re uncertain
they’re afraid of their own shadow
everyone’s looking what the central bank
is doing
entrepreneurs can’t operate in an
environment like this and that’s why
you’re seeing business startups go down
you’re seeing Acquisitions slow down
whether in a recession or not I think we
are in a recession it really is an
indictment of the lack of confidence
coming from the current regime we don’t
know if a big tax bill is going to be
passed we don’t know if The Regulators
are going to be thrown at us we need
president Trump to do what he did for
four years which is to unshackle the
American economy
don’t leave out Taiwan is that the
question between China and Taiwan is
market share of semiconductors this got
nothing to do with righting wrong on
Chiang Kai-shek yeah that’s correct
that’s why we should build as many
domestic semiconductor plants this is
not lost on Donald J Trump and Taiwan
will not happen that Taiwan won’t happen
that way and they know it and they know
old Portuguese name for it yeah my
question to Charlie is this
I’m glad you brought up the acronym
brick which I think has now been updated
to Bricks because uh Brazil Russia India
China and now South Africa is now the
South Africa
um all facetious is right there I don’t
mean to make fun of South Africa it’s
not exactly a world power Elon Musk is
going to be very upset when he hears you
uh commenting on his name I think you
would agree this is an African American
Natural here’s my question I don’t think
there was anything like China was going
to do this regardless we know that
they’ve been trying to come after the
American superpower and that’s just
what’s on their agenda China 2030.
Russia was never going to Cozy up to
America they’re always going to be
aligned with China in some regard my
question is India I don’t I don’t think
China and India are aligned whatsoever
not natural Partners so they’re not
natural parishes whatsoever exactly so
what’s their role in this because I
always thought that they as the the most
populated democracy in the world yeah
outside of America where is India’s role
in that not that you’re this the
india-pacific expert but no I mean I
seem to have a very good look I mean
India is a tricky country you can’t
trust their government they’re doing
deals with Iran and they’re doing all
sorts of weird stuff for energy but
India should be the most natural partner
in hedge you could squeeze China through
a bilateral agreement with Korea Japan
and India and that’s why America needs
to be actively involved in the room and
calling balls and Strikes using
sanctions and tariffs were necessary and
using the global Reserve currency status
to be able to effectuate meaningful
geopolitical change which of which you
know we do not have right now I disagree
a little bit I think Russia’s run by a
bunch of thugs and Mobsters I think
Russia wants whatever is best for Russia
I don’t think necessarily Russia and
China are these natural Partners I think
we made it that way I think what Donald
Trump was trying to do was he was trying
to keep Russia in some sort of a kind of
ambiguous middle neutral area phase and
then jab at China remember Trump put he
put sanctions on China he you know
improved a lot of diplomatic diplomats
be expelled from China he was putting a
lot of different he was trying to kind
of create some form of a jab against the
CCP the problem right now is the CCP is
able to run undeterred right now there
there is no counterbalance from America
so I mean look for example if we had an
actual regime that cared about saving
America like okay China you’re going
down to Brazil to go do a new deal 15
export now tariff immediately on pick
your product just make him feel it a
little bit a little bit of you know make
them think twice he said there’s no
there’s no cost to it and look China has
a lot of domestic problems they have
hundreds of millions of people living in
legitimate third world poverty despite
the appearance that Gigi ping puts on
like he’s the most popular leader ever
there’s legitimate dissent against the
CCP the CCP is run by a group of
mobsters and thugs with no more than
five percent of the popular support and
so they got their own ticking Time Bomb
they have ghost cities they manipulate
their currency they have Bank runs that
happen far too often they suppress a lot
of the news there they’re not a free
Society they think they can kind of do
this Marxist orwellian digital
surveillance State I actually think
that’s unsustainable I think it’s going
to break eventually I could be wrong and
so China likes to posture as this really
strong man we could destabilize the
Chinese Communist party in nine months
with a proper president
um the question is do we want to the
only question then is why don’t we it’s
because they’ve captured our Elites and
they call it Elite capture in actually
Mandarin they have purchased the head of
the NBA they purchased the Wall Street
they’d purchase you know the top people
Peter Schweitzer put this in his book
red-handed where he talks about about
how the American Elites are bought and
paid for by the CCP there’s a great
expression in Mandarin and it’s roughly
translated uh little bad talk big help
which means they might talk a bad game
against China but they’re a big Act of
um you look at the cover he has Elon
Musk on there which I think is a little
unfair but he has Joe Biden John Boehner
Nancy Pelosi LeBron James I think that’s
Henry Kissinger and then Bill Gates all
of which who benefit tremendously from
the Chinese Communist party and then you
see what happens when like a famous
American actor like John Cena steps out
of line yep immediately put back into
place in uh Mandarin or the NBA was
regulating who could wear things in the
stands of free uh free Hong Kong
protester shirts remember that it’s kind
of a story that was suppressed a couple
years ago with Daryl Moore yeah you were
not allowed to even go into a National
Basketball Association game with free
Hong Kong t-shirts so it’s a hyper I
mean you think about it it’s
these associations Hollywood especially
Hollywood Banking and sports are the
three major industries that are
controlled by the Chinese Communist
Party Hollywood there’s more than that
attack two but not even as much as
Hollywood Banking and sports
fact that we’re being apologetic to them
like Hey we’re so sorry what can we do
to make you happy and you can easily and
you America helped China become who they
are today with the relationships over
the years yeah I mean I don’t mean
interject but without us giving them
favored nation status without the 1999
World Trade Organization treaty they are
a third world country yeah period and we
basically said okay we’re going to read
domicile our manufacturing assets we’re
going to close down our ability to make
stuff and we’re going to do this massive
labor Arbitrage where we’re going to set
we’re going to send all the jobs to you
and we get a bunch of plastic we do not
need in return and the robber barons
that made those deals and I don’t say
that lightly because I’m a capitalist
but it was bad for the West Design this
entire thing and but when you have a
relaxed monetary currency which we do it
necessitates neoliberalism who are The
Architects of the deal in 1999.
um well Bill Clinton signed it but it
was largely driven by Consultants
McKinsey and Company was the largest
company that was basically pushing
um you know the kind of idea that we’re
going to go to a company and say we’ll
be able to solve you see right there
McKinsey and Company right there it was
that 2019 yeah and we’re going to go in
we’ll save you you know Pennies on a
dollar you know you could make this
Trinket in China for this even this tie
right here is made in China I was like
wearing it earlier you kidding me why
can’t we make this here it’s because you
know we want to try to get the lowest
cost and for certain products that made
sense but why do we make penicillin and
vitamin C 90 of all our vitamin C comes
from China like that makes no sense and
so we we offshored our critical
infrastructure to a country that seemed
to be kind of a passive
country and it’s now turned into our
greatest enemy and what have we gained
from that just lower prices when you go
to Walmart I’ll tell you what we’ve
gained our homes are twice as big as
they were in the 1950s with twice as
much garbage that we do not use and
they’re half as they’re um half filled
they’re twice as empty because we have
less kids so we have we have piles of
plastic we do not use and factories that
are empty and then in return we fill our
entire communities with fentanyl made by
the Chinese Communist Party pumped
through by the sinola drug cartel and we
lose 107 000 people a year to drug
overdoses and we’ll take another step
closer to home and I’ll teach I’m
teaching people new words today Pat
mciladora mequiladora means little
sister maquiladora was the concept of
putting a small Factory in Mexico where
the labor was cheaper and products could
be made and then they would take a very
short walk to the United States so if
that WTO deal doesn’t happen in favor of
China it would have turned Mexico into
the larger manufacturing power and what
would have happened to the Mexican
economy you would have had the eruption
the good eruption of the middle class in
Mexico and you can trace it right back
to the issues that we have with Mexico
to the gang style violence that there
are in terms of controlling government
areas in Mexico whereas if this happened
you would have turned them into to 1950s
United States manufacturing power and
what would have that done to our
relationship with Mexico it would have
made our continent a superpower
continent is what it would have done why
did not we have the foresight to do
something like that because you could
make it for cheaper they were chasing
the labor costs absolutely correct and
and I hate to be that blunt but the
Chinese Communist Party basically said
pennies per wage hour
for us to be able to make a shoot and
they were chasing the wage hour and look
I’m a capitalist I’m a free market guy
but also I want markets to point towards
something virtuous and good and not
every deal you do is going to always be
in that proper context the Chinese
Communist Party deal is a bad deal and
the people that defend it
it’s indefensible I mean what we have as
a casualty is we have become more in
like an owned and operated colony of the
CCP it’s breakable it’s breakable for
many reasons because we still have a
free society and they don’t the fact we
have somewhat of a free Society is our
great competitive advantage that right
there is how we beat them if you
unshackle the American entrepreneur we
run circles around these people because
you cannot possibly quantify or measure
20 or 30 million free people taking
risks that will be to CCP oligarch every
day that’s a planned economy now they
have a mixed economy but they still are
not figuring out entrepreneurship there
because they have to comp they have to
control they have to confiscate wealth
it’s still fear-based a true free
Society economically could destroy these
guys in a decade and what you don’t
realize is you’re seeing a reflection of
1950s and 60s Soviet Union where they
tried to put in place these five-year
economic plans centered around crop
plans and Agriculture and we’re going to
export to Europe and that’s where we’re
going to get our power out of it and
they they had a couple things they had
uranium they had limited lnc because of
the extraction that they were going at
that time blah blah blah blah well guess
what that is exactly what you’re seeing
happen here is these limited economic
plans that are based on control of the
populace the labor force are not working
for China just the same way they didn’t
work for this is the Soviet Union can I
ask you a question Pat because I know
this is something that’s near and dear
in your heart obviously you know
entrepreneurship capitalism the back
backbone of what valuetainment is all
about you’ve interviewed whether it’s
General Robert Spalding countless people
that uh what’s the one gentleman that
you’ve had multiple times the he’s an
expert in China relations
So when you say that China is fear-based
and Charlie corrected out uh you know
you have 20 30 million entrepreneurs in
America that can spur American
exceptionalism again right economically
what where do you like what do you when
you say fear-based with China versus
yeah so so if I go to TSA Pre to get my
TSA pre-card you’re in fear because
you’re dealing with a government
organization customer service is
non-existent the lady’s talking to me as
if I work for her I told you to be here
15 minutes ago I’m like you got to be
kidding me I’m driving up Are you
seriously I said yes I told you I’m like
wow then go to clear you go to clear you
know how they’ll talk to you oh my god
thank you so much for coming and thank
you for this and thank you for that Rob
if we can grab a bottle of water so
clear will give you customer service
because they want your business TSA Pre
knows you don’t have a choice you best
respect us right fear free TSA fear
clear but free America is free still
China is fear you’re afraid walking
around you got to make that guy happy
this guy happy that guy happy this guy
happy it’s all about that this is why
some by the way earlier question I asked
of you guys and I asked Charlie uh Kelly
you can just bring it up earlier
question I asked of a uh Charlie I said
what would happen thank you to America
today if
Elon doesn’t buy Twitter
if Spotify doesn’t drop if Spotify drops
Rogan let’s say and a rumble isn’t there
what would happen
entrepreneurs are going to fix 95
percent of the world’s problems because
in climates like this you don’t think
YouTube in their board meetings they’re
talking about Rumble right now they’re
talking about you don’t think Facebook
and YouTube and all those guys are
sitting there pissed off at Elon for
allowing freedom of speech you don’t
think there’s you don’t think YouTube
and all the Silicon Valley people are
not pissed off at Sweden Daniel if we’re
not dropping Rogan how dare you not drop
Rogan how dare you not drop Rogan
capitalist expose bad arguments and
that’s what what’s happening right now
so if you like this clip and you want to
watch another one click right here and
if you want to watch the entire podcast
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“Americans Will Be Poor Overnight!” China & Brazil Ditch US Dollar