Gerald Celente Explains How The Fed Will Seize Your Money In 2023

banking and finance will suffer a catastrophic liquidity crisis

NATO is ramping up the war in Ukraine into World War III,” says trends forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal, Gerald Celente. “There’s going to be a false flag or a nuclear exchange to make this official,” he grimly predicts on this episode of of Powershift.The U.S. government is going to make a big push towards a digital currency,” Celente states. When they do, “gold is going to go through the roof,” he continues.

The end of the dominance of the US Petrodollar

The Biden Administration may have inadvertenantly brought this all into motion


Is It Time To Take Rapid Measures To Protect Your Financial Safety Net?

Trump Leaves IRS Loophole Open To Help Americans – Will Biden Close It?

In the last days of his Presidency, Donald Trump saved the retirement dreams of millions by keeping an IRS “loophole” rule open.

This rule is called IRS Code 408(m)(3) and it provides a little-known option for Americans to keep their retirement funds in physical precious metals instead of volatile stocks.

What makes this a “loophole”?

Because it allows you to:

  • Protect your retirement savings from inflation and a hyperinflationary Dollar collapse.

  • Diversify away from volatile stock market investments and into something dependable.

  • Keep your retirement funds as a physical asset instead of a digital one.

So let’s thank President Donald Trump for doing this!

But what about Biden?

Will Biden Eliminate This
Dream-Come-True Retirement Option?

Biden is desperate to prop up the U.S. stock market (to win the next election), but he can’t do that if Americans have their savings in gold instead of stocks.

So if you’re at all interested in having a dependable and stable gold-backed retirement account, NOW may be the time to act!

To learn more, click here to get your FREE Info Kit on Gold IRAs from Birch Gold Group.

Gerald Celente Explains How The Fed Will Seize Your Money In 2023



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